September 22, 2018

ðŸ”ąPrimitive Weapons ! ðŸŽŊ

ðŸ”ąPrimitive Weapons ! ðŸŽŊ
Human being is full of curiosity and creativity. Childhood is a key time for learning. In childhood period this waves are at its utmost level. If we ask them to know and create or to pursue something new they will do it vigorously. Instilling a passion for learning is one of the greatest gifts we can give. For children, instead of cost of toy what matters is how it works. And that curiosity is a key to innovations. So that after some time a toy become an experimental instrument rather than a toy, we generally say that he cannot take care of his toys for a single day. Now, we should think in this regard that if such curious and intense children who are full of energy and enthusiasm will ask to do only bookish activities like reading, writing and speaking only, will they really enjoy? No, instead they are more interested in doing activities practically them self. So, to teach a beautiful story like “TWO CATS AND A MONKEY” will be useless if they do not actually act as a monkey and a cat or if they do not major a piece of cake by them self. Activity is an only medium through which a child can enjoy learning and explore things more deeply moreover they can work harder and could be more successful in school and in their own life". A child can remain busy and focused only through activities. If we want a child to memorize anything life long, related activities must be done by oneself. Such activities will be better than all the teaching aids like book, green board or teacher’s speech. Whenever some unforeseen event occurs during regular class they remember it for a lifelong including a topic of that day, what teacher has commented or taught and even the text written on board.
As we think, children won’t enjoy such activities and moreover how will they manage the required things?, how will they do it? etc.. We end our thinking with such questions, but that is the point where children’s creativity, curiosity and energy start. So the only talk and chalk, books, notebooks, smart board, class room and benches are not the only world. We must introduce the activities related to the subject in the real world. It is quite natural that in a topic like “troglodyte” of Social Science, a young one may not be interested in talk & chalk method because it is just based on their imaginations. 
For today’s children it is unimaginable to figure out how the “fire” was a source of protection for a prehistoric man and to articulate the conceptualization of little ones they need to experience that how difficult for them to work with new experiments. To experience it they have been given homework to create some primitive weapons. By doing this homework children came to know about how social science including science and how helpful a prehistoric man was for the progress of science.
Translated By-: Chintan Pathak

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