June 01, 2016

Will you be my friend?

Will you be my friend?
Dear Friends, as we all know the new academic year has begun! The cute little darlings are coming down to the new world with some mixed feelings like excited and enthusiastic or apprehension, anxiety, and sometimes confusion or shyness also. As a response to the friend request sent by school at the time of admission survey, their parents are conforming our friend request by signing permission slip. At the same time, Nervous nellies will not accept our friend request until they feel better, comfortable and trust us completely. They will be like some of inactive friends of Facebook’s list of friends. They will accept the request but will never converse with us. All in all, a relationship between child and teacher is quite different. Here at each step we need to initiate to get into their heart by being their close friend. As per many psychologists and philosophers, friendship is the best relationship to convey a message fastest and the way we want to convey it. Friendship gives us courage to open up and to show what we generally keep hidden from rest of the world. So, as we always say our lesson should be memorable, involving and fascinating for a child. We can get the best output of our efforts in a classroom by being their best friend only. Only our behavior with them will decide that weather a child accepts our friend request and make us his “Close Friend” or they will “Close” our Friend Request.

-:Translated By Chintan Pathak

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